
With Aquamoves' spacious gym and equipment, our friendly staff are able to assist you with all of your health and fitness requirements.

Our qualified and friendly gym staff are able to assist you in achieving your health and fitness goals.  Whether it be weight loss, muscle development or rehabilitation we can tailor a program to suit you. 

The open and spacious gym allows for easy access to each piece of equipment which includes a range of free weights and pin loaded equipment.

You are entitled to receive a personal fitness assessment and program with the purchase of any gym membership.  This will involve a one on one consultation with a fitness instructor to assess your needs and determine your future fitness requirements.

Aquamoves boasts an extensive range of cardio equipment, including cross trainers, rowing machines, treadmills, steppers and bikes.


Aquamoves is proud to be associated with AUSactive, the national health and fitness industry association working for a fitter, healthier Australia. AUSactive recognises the important role of the fitness industry in improving the health of all Australians. Working with AUSactive, Aquamoves hopes to lead and represent the fitness industry in pursuit of a fitter, healthier nation.

In line with AUSActive recommendations, unsupervised gym access is restricted to individuals 16 years and older. We recommend our well-structured Youth Energy memberships for younger fitness enthusiasts.

Your health and wellbeing journey

First Assessment (60 minutes)

An initial fitness assessment allows you to see where you’re starting from and discuss your goals and how to reach them. Your gym instructor will structure a program/exercise timetable with you and you’ll have the opportunity to chat about any questions you may have.

Approaching a fitness regime blindly is often met with frustration, minimal results (if any) and sometimes even injury. A gym instructor can ensure you are exercising correctly with safe and proper technique and also show you around the facility to help you feel more comfortable. Your instructor can also recommend different aspects of fitness to include in your programming (like group fitness classes and/or aqua based activities) when the time is right.

Having regular contact with a gym instructor who is aware of your purpose gives you someone else to be accountable to and can assist you in those times when motivation is low.

Re-Assessment (60 minutes)

It is recommended you check in with your gym instructor every six weeks.  This allows your instructor to change up your program, keeping you motivated with support and exercise variety so you continue challenging your body for best results.

Measure and Weigh (30 minutes)

Accountability is key when striving for personal goals.  Regular check in’s (depending on your goal) is highly recommended for those needing extra support and assistance staying on track.

Goal Setting (30 minutes)

Whether it be for weight loss, to participate in a fun run or keep up with your grandkids; establishing a plan of attack to meet your goals is essential.  Take 30 minutes out of your day to chat to an instructor about your personal goals and the steps that will help you achieve them.

Program Run-Through (30 minutes)

If you and your instructor have lots to talk about in your initial assessment, you may require a program run-through at a later date.  Program run-throughs are also useful if your gym instructor updates your existing program.

Coaching (60 minutes)

If you are new to the gym environment your instructor may recommend you book in for a coaching session. During a coaching session, your instructor will take you through your entire program step-by-step, familiarising you with the equipment and exercise techniques. This will help to ensure you get the most from your time in the gym, familiarise you with terms such as ‘sets’ and ‘reps’ and ensure you are working out safely.

The coaching session can also be useful if you are finding that your progress is plateauing and you need extra motivation to get your drive back.